She loves Halloween!! |
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Happy Halloween!
I don't even think I can describe my excitement for Halloween. I. LOVE. HALLOWEEN. I love it. Our rules on Halloween is proselyte until 7pm then we have the rest of the night to ourselves! I shall be making a Halloween feast, carving pumpkins, painting pumpkins, eating something pumpkin, and watching the testiments! Im seriously debating on creating my own indoor haunted house..Someone call the cops! it might get a little wild! hahahaha sister scott on the loose. ANYWAY!
This week I went on exchanges with a sister in the Spanish branch and it was the funnest thing in the whole world! I absolutely love going to the Spanish area because everyone is so friendly and I get to say Hola all the time. Hermana Dishong taught me how to pray in Spanish and I have been practicing and practicing! We got to got to this Spanish members home and she made the most amazing food ever and they invited an investigator that the missionaries have never taught before. we walked in and I did my whole "hola mucho gusto" thing and then Hermana Dishong has them ask me to say the opening prayer for his first lesson! ONE. I haven't understood a single word since I stepped through the door so my brain was fuzzier than a peach. TWO: I haven't prayed in front of people especially an investigator and the two Spanish elders that were there too! THREE: My mind blanked from fear and I couldn't even think of how to start! to say the least, I was terrified. I smiled and said........SI. hahah I bow my head and close me eyes(I sat in silence for about 14 whole seconds) PRAYing the lord would fill my head with words! I opened my mouth and started speaking and the Spanish started to flow out of my mouth without me even fully understanding what I was saying. Everything I had studied (that day) was flooding my mind and the spirit was so strong It felt like my chest was on fire. The spirit was so strong I knew without a doubt the Lord was helping me. When I said Amen Sister Dishong looked at me astonished and I looked right back with the same face! hahah it was so amazing. I felt like a missionary. LOOK OUT SPOKANE IM GOIN SPANISH! just kidding... but that would be magnifico <--(see im basically fluent)
So this sunday me and my companion sang in the choir and we sung my most favorite song in the whole world. its called fear not and my favorite part is the second verse.
2. When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be they supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee; my only design
Is to make you more holy, more pure, and refined.
A mission is the greatest thing that has every happened to me. It is most definitelty NOT easy haha Im pushed out of my comfort zone every second of everyday but I wouldn't have it any other way. There is no growth in the comfort zone and there is no comfort in the growth zone. It's in those hard moments that I am completely dependent upon my savior and "His grace, has been my supply". He said "without me, ye can do nothing," I testify that THAT is Gods truth. My Savior truly is building me into something so much greater than what I had planned for myself. I feel happier. I feel more capable. I can carry so much more on my shoulders because He is the one strengthening me and carrying it with me. That's a relationship I will carry with me through the rest of my life. No matter how hard things might be "His only design is to make us more holy more pure and refined". I love you all soo much! have an amazing Halloween and I will see ya'll soon!:)
love, sister scott
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
No Transfers this week! Miracles in the making and other great things!
Hello everyone!!
transferst this week have brought no changes! for once!! Im going to finish up training sister johnson and continue the work in the belle terre ward!
this week has been a week of miracles. So like you know we have been kinda struggling to find people to teach. SO i will list these miracles by name.
Errin: she is a former investigator that has some mental problems, lives in governmental housing and has really bad depression. We go by every now to check on her but she isnt ready to really investigate and learn. We will teach her a principle and she will blow it off. We have been trying to teach her prayer for the longest time and she just wont believe in it. Finally we got her to pray and she asked Heaveny Father to help her with her depression. We got a call the other day of her crying on the phone. she said "hey sisters you were right, God does answer my prayers!" She had been trying to get a kitten cause hers got electricuted(not even kidding haha) and she found a baby kitten outside of her door the morning after she said her prayer! she says this will help her with her depression and she wants to start meeting with us!
Austin and Mason: so we decided to go on a car fast and bike. My comp knows my rule of no passing anyone and we and racing down this huge hill and i had a feeling we needed to go back up the companion hated me but we ran into two boys age 17 that listened to the whole story of the book of mormon and both said they would be baptized if they read it and felt it was true! we have a church tour with them both on wednesday! doesnt matter he stopped me in the middle if the restoration to tell me i have beautiful eyes..i swore i wouldnt flirt to convert..BUT HEY what can ya do? hahah just kidding but they are two hick boys from the south that say "yes ma'm I would like to be baptized". How could you deny that!? (dont tell josh)hahahaha
Brother Green: He has been less active ever since he was baptized and the bishop has been trying to get a hold of him for 4 years. We knocked on his door and he said "I really am glad you two are here. I need to come back to the mormom church" he said that he had been to every church they have in spokane and he couldnt find anything compared to the happiness the mormon church has given him. He said that he loves the way we teach and he wants to re take all the missioanry lesson from us! miracle.
also we were about to cancel meeting with him and we needed a call from him if plans were to work out. I sais sister we need to pray. The moment we said amen the phone
Skylar Garvin: He is a 14 year old who went onto or refferend himself to the missionaries!!! crazy! he was on date to be baptized and randomly stopped everything. That was abotu 4 months ago and me and sister johnsot tracted into him yesterday! We were aboutu to go home and felt that we needed to stop at this blue house but we were trying to get home on time! I said a prayer and said ok if a red car drives by i will know for sure that wasa prompting. Sure enough a red subaru pulls around the corner so I flip my bike around and it ended up to be skylars house!
I could go on and on about all these amazing experiences we've been having but to sum everything up I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is behind this work and we truly are just instuments! He loves all of His children so much and wants them all to return back to him! The greatest happiness I have ever felt in my life is getting to be a small part in my Fathers work. Even when times "so that the world my know that I love the Father and as the Fatehr gave me a commandment even so i do, arise and let us go hence" john 14:31 I read that to myself everyday I go out. I love being a missionary so much!! I love all of you! Im thinking and praying about you everyday!
-sister scott
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Week before transfers, splits with Spanish companions and searching for investigators. Oct. 14, 2013
Well hello everyone!!
This week has been a little crazy! I have been soo teacher hungary cause we have not had ANY invetigators(ther is nothing worse as a missioanry) Its almost like a cougar in the dessert. a monkey in a pine tree. Im starving for feeding the human soul with spiritual knowledge or like a waterfall holding the fountain of youth water while being blocked by the hoover dam. Ok..anyway.
It only made matters worse when we got to go on exchanges this week with our sister training leader sister dishong (she is the spanish sister that lived in my apartment in my first area) so that was SOOO much fun to go back and see my old room! I always learn tons of spanish whenever I go cause all their investogators are spanish speaking. I always get a good ol laugh every time i open my mouth. Sister dishong walks up to a man and says (in spanish)"hey how is it going? my name is hermana dishong and this is my companion sister scott. she cant speak spanish..all she can say is 'Hi how are you' " (thats my cue) and i say "o la..Mucho Gusto" and they laugh everytime. Occasionally I'll throw in a Si or magnifico.. Im a good ice breaker. I also tell people I have a blue bicycle! haha there is a reason that I did not go foriegn speaking. Its bad. BUT i know how to pray in spanish now! so thats kind of a big deal! So this next miracle is a miracle and a half! We were in a lesson about the word of wisdom with one of their investigators and we must have done something right cause he got strait up after the lesson and handed me his coffee box! hahah i've taken away many cigarette boxes but a whole coffe box..that's a first!
Heading back to my area was kinda depressing cause we went strait back to finding and finding some more. it's moments like this that you just got to step back and enjoy what you do have. The more you focus on what you dont have the harder the work gets. "Men are that they might have joy" (new favorite scripture) its amazing how when im happy I see miracles. When I'm down I see nothing. We can always choose to be happy reguardless of our circumstances!
SO second miracle. We have been really praying for a new investigator and I wanted to fast. Sister Johnson has a problem fasting but she decided to try it and I prayed that something would happen to build her testimony on fasting. So just this last sunday we fasted to find a new investogator and we soent a whole day looking. We were cold tired and wanted to go home and I said "ok sister one more house." We knocked on this apartment and the most adorable little girl answered the door. We have seen her mom before and she invited us in! We were trying sooo hard to get throught the restoration and her daughter kept stopping us EVERY 2 sentences and her mom was not being able to focus at all anyway. I shut the pamphlet and grabbed a book of mormon and opened up o the picture of moroni. I taught the little girl who Heavenly Father was and how to pray. As I looked up her mom was sobbing. Nataya(the little girl) says "mommie these girls are like angels". we gave her the book of mormon and her mom told us she slept with it last night! She cant read but she has been trying to get rid of her bad dreams and everytime she prays and sleeps with is she doesnt have bad dreams:) I promised her that that would happen. So now we have a new investigator and sister johnsons Testimony of fasting has definitely grown:) It was a wonderful week.
One more week until another transfer! So i will let you know next week what happens! If I end up training another missioanry I will email you on tuesday instead of monday. I love you all and hope all is well! I will pray and pray some more for you so keep your head up and always choose to be happy!:)
-sister scott
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
General Conference Week!
Hello family!!
Never in my life have I watched all sessions of conference and LOVED IT. well this week..i did. Oh my goodness it was so wonderful. Best part is when he said "we don't get good at basket ball by watching tv, we improve when we apply the principles we learn and live them!" That's exactly true. I've learned so much from really dissecting the conference talks and applying them to my life! The words of the prophets are so amazing! Family, and friends...from a missionary to a member WE NEED YOUR HELP. these talks on member missionary work have been soo inspired I was shaking with happiness when they were giving them! THAT is what we need and that truly is the only way that this work will go forward! So I want you all to pray for missionary opportunities and then write me all of your amazing miracles. The first time I prayed for a missionary miracle THEY CHANGED THE AGE so don't tell me prayer doesn't work! hahah miracles have not ceased my friends. He is more than willing to give us the opportunities if we truly desire to have them!:)
Not gonna lie, the work has been pretty rough this week. We just lost our only investigator from a disease called NOT ELECT. But it is ok because the Lord is preparing SO many peoples hearts and He will provide miracles this week. I can feel it. I had the biggest tender mercy of my whole mission the other day. We just got finished with an awesome church tour with Katie (our last investigator) and I was so bummed cause you could just see she wasn't progressing and she didn't want to meet anymore. We walked around the building to shut off the lights and we see these two adorable little boys sitting on the couch. Even though I was not really in the mood. I felt so prompted to talk to these little boys and teach them something. He
I said "hey boys. how old are you?" one said 7 and one said 6. "ooh you're both getting close to be baptized that's exciting!" I pulled out a pen and sat next to him. I explained the holy ghost to him like the cap on a pen. When we make right choices the cap comes on and tells us we did a good job. when we make wrong choices the cap leaves. But when you are baptized you receive the GIFT of the holy ghost(and you click the cap on the pen) and say "and the Holgy Ghost becomes your constant companion" (turn the pen upside down and shake it) "even when things gets hard, the Holy Ghost wont ever leave you" We gave them both a pen and He says "Wow that is the best gift ever!" hahah then He got really serious and sad. He says "But I don't have a father." I sat back down and said "Do you remember the spirit we talked about? When you feel that, that is your Heavenly Father telling you that He loves you and He is always watching over you." He got so excited and said "I can feel it right not! I'm feeling it! feels so good like my heart is really warm." It took every ounce of my SOUL not to burst out into tears of joy because He truly was feeling the spirit cause in that moment I felt is so strongly too! He says "I think Heaven is really close to me." Could children be anymore elect? I don't think so. The scriptures aren't kidding when they say become as a little child. If we were all meek and submissive like that we would always feel of our Heavenly Fathers love and recognize what an amazing gift that is!
To top is all off He says "hey are you a missionary?" I said "Well, How did you know that?" Thinking he'd say, cause you tag or cause you taught me the gospel but out of all things He says "Because your pretty". AAAAH I about died. I felt like a Disney princess that the kids run up to at Disney land. hahaha I love being a missionary. I have never in my life felt so much love from my Heavenly Father. Heaven truly is so close to us and if we just take those small moments to look for it we will be amazed at how much He truly is influencing our lives. "pray to see with spiritual eyes the effects of His power" I pray for that every morning and it's changed my whole mission. I love you all and pray for you everyday and prayer is real! Love you guys so much. I'll see ya soon:)
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Hello everyone!!
wow I cant even think of what happened this week IT FEELS LIKE YESTERDAY! So this week we had TONS and tons of meetings on how to be effective missionaries. From this huge change in age more than HALF of the missioanries that are out right now have been out less than 6 months..crazy so we're all like chickens running around with their heads cut off..luckily the spirit doesnt need a head to preform miracles! I continue to see so many instances that we are not doing this work alone. I think it was Elder Holland that said "if a Book of Mormon had legs, we would send IT on a mission instead of you!" HAHAHAHHA i take no offence cause I testify that THAT is true! haha the best lessons we have is when we let the spirit work through us and get out of the way and power of the Book of Mormon. There is such an amazing spirit that comesf rom reading the Book of Mormon.
Continuing my goal to never pass a single person, We were street contacting and I saw this guy at a barbecue in his back yard. He peaked around the corner of his back yard and then turned back around. The spirit very sternly told me "there he is." I said "OH no spirit, Im not going in this guys back yard in front of all his family..ok if he looks ever at us one more time I'll know you want me to go" Sure enough he looks stait at me and without noticing my feet started strait for him! My trainee looks at me like "what are you DOING sister your crazy!" hahah poor girl. Awkwardly I walk up to that guy and ask Him if he has a church he's going to. He says yes and like clockwork, his wife is right next to his side and says "we are not interested..goodbye" I pull out the Book of mormon and I look at him and asked if i could leave my card with him and he smiled and said "that would be great. thank you". Just small little things like that happen every day. I dont fully understand why or what that does in the long run but I leave with the most amazing feeling of love know Heavenly Father see's the effect of small acts like that.
The spirit is so amazing, I've never felt it so strong in my life that out here. It becomes more and more familiar and recognisable as I am obedient to it. On my planner I wrote. "If the sprit promts me to do something, I act. If i think its the sprit prompting me, I act. If i have the smallest thoguht that the spirit might be prompting me, I act." Its when we keep that mentality is when we build that trust that Heavenly Father that he can count on us to obey anything He decides to throw our way. I feel so much closer to my savior I truly want to see everyone as HE see's them. I read this quote when I dont want to talk to anymore rude people haha
"if you knew that only a few would care that you came, would you still come? If you knew that those you loved would laugh in your face, would you still care? If you know the tongues you have made would mock you, the mouths you've made would spit at you, the hands you've made would crucify you, would you still make them? Christ did."
No matter how bad people treat you, or dont appreciate the sacrafice you're making, Christ does. He is the most perfect example of charity. Everything I'm learning reflects back to the Savior and the atributes He had. The more we become like Him the happier and closer we will be to Him. I am so happy. I love my Savior and will forever be greatful for His atoning sacrafice that enables me every day!!
love you all!! see ya soon:)
-sister scott
*quotes from my companion this week..(hopefully this will give you a good glimps of how hilarious she is hahaha) she REEEALLY likes writing fictinal fantasy crap..I mean stuff. its funny the things she says.
"HEY look! that sign has the same same as a fictional character of mine!"-seriously sister johnson? you're a missionary not jk rowling
one day we were role playing the plan of salvation to an investogators needs and right in the middle of a really spiritual part she stops me and say
"you just converted my favorite character!" C'MON SISTER! hahah she's crazy but I seriously love her .haha She's obbsessed with aname and writing fantacy fiction novels. at least she promised to turn me into one of her characters...
this is a beatiful picture of a rainbow and the temple:) almost as good as yours mom!! haha
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