Hellooo everyone!!
So this week has flown by..It felt like I wrote you yesterday..BUT me have had an awesome week! Katie, our investigator haden't contacted us for almost the whole week so I was litereally having a panick attack thinking she wasn't wanting to meet with us anymore. Turns out she was sick and her phone broke sooo satan is workin reeal hard to not have her meet with us. BUT when we went over she was beaming she was so happy to see us. She introduces us as "her" missionaries and she has been reading the Book of Mormon to her kids every night before they go to sleep. The day before we finally got in contact with her she said she was having a rough day and went on a hike in the mountains. She sat on a rock and said a prayer to Heavenly Father to help her and as soon as she said amen she got a text from us. She said she ran down the mountain to come meet and talk with us! hahah It was crazy because we were right in the middle of a meeting and I felt something telling me to text her so I did and then she told me that story. There truly is no coincidences. The Lord is behind everything!
So we contacted this lady named Victoriana and she is extreeeamly into the church that she goes to. She'd involved with the childrens group and she says she bawls at every sermon. We went down this road and she came to my mind so we turned around and ran into her! She surprisingly let us. She starts off by saying "Now dont try to convert me cause I know if I believe if Jesus im saved! We're all saved! so lets just talk" I asked if I could tell her just a story...and then pulled out the book of Mormon..hahha As soon as we started something in her lit up like we were telling her a story she's already heard before. She kept nodding and saying "Wow..this makes so much sense. I feel really good." Its my favorite to explain the sprit to people because it truly doesn't matter what we share or say. If the spirit is present then they will be "brought to the rememberence" of what we've all learned before this life. I love the scripture in john14:26-27" but the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your REMBERANCE whatsoever I have said unto you" I love that so much because as I've gotten to really sit down and study everyday I learn so much faster and deeper because the sprit is so strong out here. The Holy Ghost helps me remember things I've been taught before this life. The key to learning is putting ourselves in an environment that the Holy Ghost can teach us. I sat in Church this sunday and was just overwhelmed with the spirit and how much Heavenly Father truly does love us and is aware of us! I have learned so much about who I am and who my Heavenly Father sees me becoming.
Whenever timed get hard I read in d&c 121-122. The words Heavenly Father spoke to him give me the greatest happiness and hope to know everything is for my good. "..and if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the deep; if the billows surge conspire against thee; if the fierce winds become thine enemy yeah if the very jaws of hell gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou my son that ALL THESE THINGS shall give thee experience, and shall be for THY good." His commandments, His scriptures, the joys we experience, the trials we're given, the people we meet, seminary, church, missions..EVERYTHING is for our good and if we follow Him with faith we will become all He has prepared for us to become and there truly is no greater gift and happiness than that. I love being a missionary and I love my savior Jesus Christ who has made it all possible! God is good! Church is true! Joseph smith was a pamphlet! I love being a missionary.
Love you all sooo much!
Sister scott