Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sister Brooke Scott is Called as a Sister Training Leader and First Companion.....Oh and She's an Aunt again too!!

Hey guys!!
SHOUT OUT TO MY NEW NEPHEW CREW!!!..quit havin babies family. These boys are missin the greatest aunt of all time.
There has been some awesome and some sad things this week! so first I will start with the sad so we can end on a happy note:) This weeks miracle was, we got a call from a less active family we have been working with for a while and her neice was in the hospital for early labor. at 12 o clock the baby would be 23 weeks TO THE DAY and (some law says) if the baby is anything less than 23 weeks the doctors cant do anything to help the baby stay alive. She hadent felt the baby kick in over 3 hours and the doctors were telling her the best would be to not have the baby at all. Through all this craziness we sent the elders over to give her a blessing. The elder was from russia so most of what he said was in russian. Although you couldnt understand the first half of the blessing, the room was litereally flooding with the sprit and the mother began to cry. She felt her baby kick for the first time in the last 3 hours while the elders hands where on her head! Sadly the blessing was only one of comfort and he didnt feel prompted to tell her her baby would live. The miracle was that she lastes until 12:03 until the baby was born so the doctors did everything they could to keep her alive but she passed away at 12:30.
The brosam family(less actives) where able to comfort her for the last 3 days telling her all the amazing blessing that come from the gospel! The opportunity she has to be sealed to her child and the amazing plan of salvation God has for all His children. The mother knew from the moment they mentioned eternal families that the church was true and that it HAD to be Gods plan. Not only did this experience bring the brosam family back to church, but She will be meeting with the missionaries this week and is so incredibly happy to know that she will see her daughter again!
This Gospel Is true. There is no better way for me to explain it. The more I study and ask questions, the more the sprit teaches me and confirms its truthfulness. If you can understand God's true character and His purpose (which is to "bring to pas the immortality and eternal life of man") Then everything is His Gospel and this life makes perfect sense.The greatest part is that we dont NEED to know everything in order for the spirit to confirm that to us. Moroni has made that promise to us in the last chapter in the book of Mormon.
Moroni chapter 10 verses 3-5
 "I would exort you that when ye shall read these things thats ye would ASK GOD the eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true, and if ye will ask with a,
1. sincere heart (being willing to accept Gods will above your own)
2. with real intent (meaning you will ACT of whatever prompting He gives you)
3. having faith in Christ (full and complete trust that as you act everything will turn out for your good)
HE WILL MANIFEST THE TRUTH OF IF UNTO YOU by the power of the Holy Ghost"
verse 5 is His promise "and by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of ALL things."
I testify with my whole heart that THAT is Gods truth. If you pray with those 3 things in mind, God will answer your prayer. Whatever your question might be. He loves each of you more than you can comprehend and I challenge you all to one day ask Him how much. The Spirit is incredible. This Gospel Is Gods plan and the atonement of Jesus Christ has made me the happiest i've ever been in my whole life! OHH my goodness people. I love it.
Have an amazing week and I'll see ya'll sooon!
-sister scott

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