Monday, March 3, 2014
woooooooooh there mission. slippin alway faster than ever.
I cannot believe tomorrow is halfway!! This seriously have been the fastest 9 months of my whole life!
today someone paid for my jimmy johns. It a great day to be a missionary. It has been a wonderful week. We still dont have lots of progressing investigators but we have a TON of less active work and I absolutely love it. Sister weinman is really progressing, she commited to read the book of mormon every single day and she has kept it for 2 weeks!! She Loves it! sneaky sister colvin texted us saying she needed to talk to us and when she tried to explain that she doesnt want to see us upset if she doesnt make it to church for the next little while (its just been hard for her breaking that habbit) and i looked her in the eyes and sais "sister colvin! dont you dare give up or give in! You have come way to far to turn your back now! I basically told her i refuse to quit until i see her walk into the doors of the temple and by the end of our conversation we were both just crying and she knew that that was exactly what her Heavenly Father wanted for her and the spirit was so strong! I dont know if i've ever been that bold before haha but I love her so much and she knows that so thats all that matters:)
We aslo had an incredible miracle with Kelly (a former investigator). Her and her son were set to be baptized and weeks before it her ex banned both of them from meeting with us or even attending church. 2 moths later i felt I needed to text her and invite her to this womans conference our ward was having. When i texted her i told her that we hoped everything was getting better and we had been praying for her. She texted us back saying "You can continue to pray but things have only gotten worse. It would take a complete miracle for things to get any better."that about broke my heart. she has been through so much and her faith is completely shaken. She ended up coming to the womans conference and at the very end of our stake presidents talk he paused for a long time then said. "I feel like i should invoke upon all of you a priesthood blessing and specially one of you who is searching for miracles. I bless you know that your Heavenly Father is aware of you and Miracles you are seeking are possible." I looked back at kelly-who was now sobbing- and afterwards she gave me a huge hug and said "I will see you soon". Hopefully she will continue in have hope and the Lord will continue to provide for her!
These past 9 months have changed my life. My mission means absolutely everything to me. This has been my time to put the world to the side and gain a greater perspective on who i am and what my plan is in this life. The only way I have come to that knowledge is by learning about my Savior and what He taught when He came to the earth. My mission hasn't changed me, He has. Im so much happier and free because of His atonement. Im so much more able to use the gift of agency my Heavenly Father has given me. Just as helaman says in chapter 14:30 and 30-31 "God hath given unto you knowledge and He hath made you free" This gospel is the greatest knowledge we have in this life becuase it bring to us a rememberence of who we were before this life and what we must do now to return to live with Him. I love this Gospel. I love my Savior. and I am here to do the Will of my Father till He calls me home.
"But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me a commandment, even so i do. Arise and let us go hence." John 14:31
-sister scott
30 And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto ahimself; and whosoever doeth iniquity,doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are bfree; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you acknowledge and he hath made you free.
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