Monday, August 25, 2014

Kayla's got the GHOST!!!

Hey guys! whats up!
What an amazing week:) Kayla was indeed baptized this last saturday and recieved the Gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday! Oh what joy. I just loved this week. Kayla has grown so much. We got to teach her about family history this week and the joy that came to her face and we taught about the temple was literally priceless. My testimony of family history work has increased so much! The joy this gospel brings is like none other and it is life changing to see someone experience it all for the first time. I literally feel like she is my child hahha and im watching her's weird. I just love her and Jaiden so much! He can officially sing "Im a child of God" thanks to this gal. Its hilarious, we were picking berries and he in the corner belting "I am a child of GOOd and Heee BROUGHT me HEEEre" in whatever key he sees fit to sing at the time. It's precious. We had him sing it at her baptism with some other primary kids. 
              I few hours away from her baptism I got the worst feeling in my heart and asked sister Brown if we could stop and say a prayer for her. That next day she told me "I almost ran away yeterday" turns out she ran to her fathers home (which is not the best environment) and just about threw in the towel. She said she had never experienced temptation like that in her whole life and was able to identify the adversary trying to destroy everything she had worked for these last 6 months. Luckily she felt the spirit prompt her to leave and go back to the church and continue forward in faith- she even showed up early just to sit in the church and avoid satan! It was awesome!
              When she came up out of that water she burst into tears, We ran to the bathroom and just hugged and cried! She looked at me and said over and over "I feel peace, so much peace." That was probably the happiest moment of my life. 
               After the baptism the bishop came up to me and said "Sisters. You're my hero." It's the Lord bishop!! He said "I should've had more faith in you, I should've had more faith in Kayla. Thank you for loving her enough to believe in her." That was such a tender mercy. Kayla has taught me more about the atonement than anything. She is a great example of true repentance. It didn't come from the sorrow of "oh i got caught" It came from true Godly sorrow that motivated her to ACT- to change. Through her faith in Jesus Christ she has been able to bridge the gap between her nature and His, becoming all He would have her become.
            This reminded me of one of my favorite scripture stories in the Book of Mormon. Alma the youngers (alma 36). In his conversion story, the Lord led him to a situation in his life that "racked his soul to the remembrance of all his sins." He attempts to describe that burden saying,
 16 And now, for three days and for three nights was racked, even with the pains of damned soul. 
And it came to pass that as was thus racked with torment, while was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins
            To harrow means to bring the the surface- like a tractor turning up old dirt. Having his sins, weaknesses, and mistakes brought to the surface caused such sorrow, pain, and torment that he literally cried out in prayer saying in verse 18..
"Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitternessand am encircled about by the everlastingchains of death."
             I can recall lessons where Kayla had feelings and experiences very similar. Some lessons we taught harrowed up the sins of her past and helped her recognize the need for repentance! When she did, she felt as alma in verse 19:

19 And now, behold, when thought this, could remember my pains no moreyea, was harrowed up by the memory of mysins no more.
 20 And oh, what joyand what marvelous light did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
 21 Yea, say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again sayunto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.
She felt that release, She accessed the cleansing and healing power of the atonement and she was changed! THAT is the greatest miracle we can witness, the Lord literally changing a persons heart.
            I have felt that in my life. I cant describe the ways He has changed me! Especially on my mission because your faults and weaknesses are put under a magnifying glass out here! Silver platter more like it. They are literally harrowed to the surface everyday as you labor to do the Lords work. It pushes me to rely upon something that is so much greater than myself. My Savior, and as I remain humble, I can identify the natural man tendencies and clearly identify what is of my Savior and what is not. The Lord will lead us to the experiences and try our character because He has full confidence and faith we can detox the natural man as we turn to him in sincere and continual repentance. One of the greatest truths I've taken from my mission is that Repentence is the key that unlocks the chains of the natural man. It is as simple as that! Repent! haha the missionaries in the Book of Mormon did a great Job as cutting to the chase. I wish I could, like them, stand on a walll and yell "Repent ye Repent ye!" Because that truly is the only way to access the enabling. cleansing, and healing power of the atonement and be happy! It is on of the greatest gifts and tools from God to become like Him. 
We cant even begin to understand out potential but I am grateful for the knowledge my Savior has provided me with to know that ALL things are for my good. No matter how big the change may be, how long it might take, and how bad it might hurt, It will lead me to Him. I pray that we all can turn to him and let go of whatever stands in our way. That is the definition of Repentence, and It has literally set me free:) I love this gospel, I love my Father in Heaven, and my Savior lives. That means He is an active part in my life and I pray He can be in your as well!
Have a wonderful week I love you all sooo much!!:)
-Sister Scott
This is my Best Friend! 


Faith Provides Miracles!! Week 8/18/2014

Helloooooo Amigos! What an amazing week. I am just in aw at the miracles we have seen! The Lord is so good. I hope you all got to see some pictures from the media blitz! that was so cool! its amazing to see what the Lord provides to get members and missionaries to REALLY work together. there truly is no other way to do this work. DAD: words literally can describe how grateful I am for your example of missionary work. KEEP IT UP!! Josh: keep it up too! helping dad on his rescue visits! There is no greater prep to serve the Lord than by DOING His work! Ugh I love it so much! I'm so proud of all of you! keep praying for missionary opportunities and for the eyes to see them. Here is our miracle: Getting Kayla ready for baptism has been taxing on the soul. She didn't make it to church this Sunday and I was in complete panic mode. Satan is RAGING! we walked to her house and it looked almost as if she was smoking! Seriously, my heart dropped into me stomach and I think I almost died, but as we got closer I saw she was just eating a popsicle:) fheew. So she explained to us how her dad's diabetes has sky rocketed and he cant be let alone so he moved in to kaylas little apartment. She couldn't leave him and doesn't have a phone to call for help and ended up missing church. She asked us to come by and have someone give him a blessing. I was SO excited but somewhat terrified. Kaylas dad is a BIG guy and doesnt look like he's very fond of us. The blessing ended up great. The spirit was so strong Kayla asked us to stay and read scriptures. We turned to Alma 22 and read the conversion of king lamoni. We read in the dark and whispered so we wouldn't disturb her dad. At the end we asked kayla how she felt about her baptism and the dad stopped her right there. With his eyes shut in pain, leaning back on his chair he asked, (in a booming, slow voice) "Kayla. Do you know what baptism means?". "Yes dad." she answered. My hearts stopped. Thinking He was about to talk her out of baptism and chastise us for teaching his daughter then kick us out! I was frozen in fear. "Baptism is no joke. Are you truly ready to give everything you have and are to the Savior? He is the most powerful man in the universe. This is a big step." without hesitation kayla answered. "yes dad" As we waited in silence waiting for his response I felt the spirit so strongly say "Its ok..this is good. He needs to be baptized. invite him. " WHAT!!!! no way spirit.. then I repented and asked when. Suddenly Her dad starts again with his eyes still closed from pain. " I was sitting here, In as much pain as I'm in.... He lifted me up. Like I was elevated. I was literally above all of you, listening to you read the scriptures. It was the most incredible feeling. My pain was numb and I was learning. I cant describe it. It was amzing." We testified to him that THAT was the spirit- and the Holy Ghost always comes to bear testimony of truth. We invited him to learn more about our message and to be baptized. HE SAYED YES!!!!! Kayla just sobbed. The spirit was so strong I couldn't hold back my tears either! It was amazing! One of the most amazing experiences of my mission. God lives. He loves His children. His gospel is so perfect and if we will just have faith and trust Him, He will lead us by the hand to our greatest happiness. I love the gospel. I know its true with my whole heart. I encourage each of you to gain a testimony and experience it for yourself. He loves you enough to provide it. Have faith and it will come! I love you all so much!! see you sooon!:) -Sister Scott

MLC with my Sista!

 Missions are hard sometimes. this is why sisters get fat. I need some serious prayers that all this wont go to my thighs..

Friday, August 15, 2014

14 monther!!

Hello everyone!! What an incredible week. Dont even know what to about tuesday. Ok. So Tuesday was my 14 month mark...gross. Ok so I got to go to MLC my favorite meeting ever and see sister woodfield and all my other missionary firends! They are such a strength to me everytime I see them. After there was a recent convert named JD that drove all us missionaries to a park in spokane (crawling with homless people). I was nervous at first but later (thanks to the spirit) decided to give them our left overs and share the gospel with them! They were so appreciative and sweet. All the fear I had before completely left as i approached them with the mindset of sharing th gospel. Missionary work has an incredible way to flip your mindset upside down and help you see everyone the way God sees them. I'm working a lot of swollowing up my fear in the Love of the Lord. If there is one thing im cherishing out here, it's feeling this overwhelming feeling of love for all of God's children. That more than anything helps me to know what to say and do to help them to Christ. One person that has changed my life is Kayla and her son Jayden. Since all my emails blurr together im not sure how much i've told you about her but we have been teaching her since end of april and took a two week break because of fiance issues. Im am glad to say her relationship is dunzo and we are now teaching her again! there has been a change in Kayla this past week that i cant even describe! She has been through all the lessons but for the first time the Atonement has clicked in her life! She gets it! She now knows that she needs to change and let go of the tools the advarsary keeps throwing in her path to distract her. I always turn to Jayden in the lessons because he gives the most profound answers ever. I asked him "Why do you think God sent His son to the earth?" from the mouth of a 6 yr old with no religious backround, "Because He's can help us, He knows the way back home to God and we need to follow Him." From the Mouth of babes my firends..mouth of babes. HE IS AMAZING! She has commited to stop smoking and that she willnow make her house " a house of prayer, a house of fasting, and a house of God" which is usually so cluttlered we need to puch the garbage aside to make a little spot of the floor for us to sit for the lessons. WE CLEANED IT ALL THIS WEEK! Holy smokes that place is a home now. At the end of the cleaning, we gathered ina circle and said a prayer over the house. In my prayer I asked for the spirit to be able to abide there and protect her and Jayden and as we opened our eyes the dogs (that were running around chasing eachother, biting, barking, and clawing everything in sight) were on the floor completely still and asleep. Kayla looked at me and whisperd "this has never happened before!" "do you feel that?" i asked her. she said "it's the sprit! He's here now!" I just about burst into tears. Yes He is kayla! Yes He is! From the Help of the Lord we had 8 Investigators in church yesterday and 3 less actives including Kayla and Jayden!! The Lord is so good. I couldnt be happier right now. I love this Gospel and My Savior more than I could ever type in words! I pray that We can continure to draw closer to Him each and everyday. Hei is the way! I love you all so much! Have a great week and bless those around you!:) -sister scott

Friday, August 8, 2014

Nothing like a temple trip with family!

8/04/14 Hellooo everyone! Wow, It has been one amazing week. SO we got to go to the temple this last thurday and it was seriously one of the best days of my whole mission. The Furnells(my ward mission leader's family) drove us there and it was seriously just amazing! If I were to list he greatest person who has impacted my mission and my life I would hands down say Brother Furnell. He takes care of us like we are his own- and even more so haha we joke with his son that if his room is cleared out one day, he'll know why! He has us over all the time for discussions, planning, and just this past sunday he invited us over to have a special fast to add more people to out teaching pool, then shares a spiritual thought with US! seriously as a missionary you are SO use to going from house to house teaching, and tesifying, and inviting, and there is no greater feeling then when someone says "You sisters just sit back, I have a lesson I would like to share with you". Its so great cause that's only happened once! With him! haha so after we got to Spokane he surprised us all by picking up sister Gosdis in belle terre (she was in Lewiston ysa), sister Woodfield (my last comp), and sister Gardiner (she served in lew ysa too), and we all went to lunch!!! It was like hanging out with my mom, dad and best friends! It was the weirdest feeling I have ever had in my life! But that was seriously such a tender mercy. I have been amazed with the miracle of fasting. The past 3 sundays, getting investigators to church had been REAALLY tough. We had 1 maybe 2 per week and out main investigators had been struggling SOO so much. Kayla mainly, I swear, she gets attacked directly from the adversary EVERY Saturday morning. The Dog bites the kid, the clothes aren't dry, the car is broke, family crisis, alarm stopped working, YOU NAME IT I've heard it. We stopped by her house this sun morning and she was no where to be found. NOOO! (i thought) she needs to come this sunday or she can't be baptized on her date! So after we had done all in our power to get them there I got down on my knees and had a good long chat with Heavenly Father, I said "Ok now, I have done all in my power to get your children to church. If anything is about to break loose I beg of you to hold it together. Help them find there way to church today Heavenly Father, If there is anyone who can get them here it's you. If it is your will, I know you will." I heard a great quote this week something along the lines of, "Faith isn't knowing that God can do something, It's knowing He will." sure enough, Kayla, her son Jayden, and her cousin (new investigator!) come walking in. they got to here me bear my testimony and I see sweet little Jaydens head pop up and smile! Then 3 more investigators come in! It was amazing! The Lord always provides! I could never describe how greatful I am to be here. I love my mission, I love these people, I love my savior, and I love the person he is helping me become. His atonement it so real. I bear testimony that it is true. I know it with my whole heart and soul! -I love you all have a great week and do lots of missionary work!:) sister scott