Helloooooo Amigos!
What an amazing week. I am just in aw at the miracles we have seen! The Lord is so good. I hope you all got to see some pictures from the media blitz! that was so cool! its amazing to see what the Lord provides to get members and missionaries to REALLY work together. there truly is no other way to do this work. DAD: words literally can describe how grateful I am for your example of missionary work. KEEP IT UP!! Josh: keep it up too! helping dad on his rescue visits! There is no greater prep to serve the Lord than by DOING His work! Ugh I love it so much! I'm so proud of all of you! keep praying for missionary opportunities and for the eyes to see them.
Here is our miracle:
Getting Kayla ready for baptism has been taxing on the soul. She didn't make it to church this Sunday and I was in complete panic mode. Satan is RAGING! we walked to her house and it looked almost as if she was smoking! Seriously, my heart dropped into me stomach and I think I almost died, but as we got closer I saw she was just eating a popsicle:) fheew. So she explained to us how her dad's diabetes has sky rocketed and he cant be let alone so he moved in to kaylas little apartment. She couldn't leave him and doesn't have a phone to call for help and ended up missing church. She asked us to come by and have someone give him a blessing. I was SO excited but somewhat terrified. Kaylas dad is a BIG guy and doesnt look like he's very fond of us. The blessing ended up great. The spirit was so strong Kayla asked us to stay and read scriptures. We turned to Alma 22 and read the conversion of king lamoni. We read in the dark and whispered so we wouldn't disturb her dad. At the end we asked kayla how she felt about her baptism and the dad stopped her right there. With his eyes shut in pain, leaning back on his chair he asked, (in a booming, slow voice)
"Kayla. Do you know what baptism means?".
"Yes dad." she answered. My hearts stopped. Thinking He was about to talk her out of baptism and chastise us for teaching his daughter then kick us out! I was frozen in fear.
"Baptism is no joke. Are you truly ready to give everything you have and are to the Savior? He is the most powerful man in the universe. This is a big step." without hesitation kayla answered.
"yes dad"
As we waited in silence waiting for his response I felt the spirit so strongly say "Its ok..this is good. He needs to be baptized. invite him. " WHAT!!!! no way spirit.. then I repented and asked when. Suddenly Her dad starts again with his eyes still closed from pain.
"sisters...as I was sitting here, In as much pain as I'm in.... He lifted me up. Like I was elevated. I was literally above all of you, listening to you read the scriptures. It was the most incredible feeling. My pain was numb and I was learning. I cant describe it. It was amzing."
We testified to him that THAT was the spirit- and the Holy Ghost always comes to bear testimony of truth. We invited him to learn more about our message and to be baptized. HE SAYED YES!!!!! Kayla just sobbed. The spirit was so strong I couldn't hold back my tears either! It was amazing! One of the most amazing experiences of my mission.
God lives. He loves His children. His gospel is so perfect and if we will just have faith and trust Him, He will lead us by the hand to our greatest happiness. I love the gospel. I know its true with my whole heart. I encourage each of you to gain a testimony and experience it for yourself. He loves you enough to provide it. Have faith and it will come! I love you all so much!! see you sooon!:)
-Sister Scott
MLC with my Sista! |
Missions are hard sometimes. this is why sisters get fat. I need some serious prayers that all this wont go to my thighs.. |
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