Monday, August 25, 2014

Kayla's got the GHOST!!!

Hey guys! whats up!
What an amazing week:) Kayla was indeed baptized this last saturday and recieved the Gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday! Oh what joy. I just loved this week. Kayla has grown so much. We got to teach her about family history this week and the joy that came to her face and we taught about the temple was literally priceless. My testimony of family history work has increased so much! The joy this gospel brings is like none other and it is life changing to see someone experience it all for the first time. I literally feel like she is my child hahha and im watching her's weird. I just love her and Jaiden so much! He can officially sing "Im a child of God" thanks to this gal. Its hilarious, we were picking berries and he in the corner belting "I am a child of GOOd and Heee BROUGHT me HEEEre" in whatever key he sees fit to sing at the time. It's precious. We had him sing it at her baptism with some other primary kids. 
              I few hours away from her baptism I got the worst feeling in my heart and asked sister Brown if we could stop and say a prayer for her. That next day she told me "I almost ran away yeterday" turns out she ran to her fathers home (which is not the best environment) and just about threw in the towel. She said she had never experienced temptation like that in her whole life and was able to identify the adversary trying to destroy everything she had worked for these last 6 months. Luckily she felt the spirit prompt her to leave and go back to the church and continue forward in faith- she even showed up early just to sit in the church and avoid satan! It was awesome!
              When she came up out of that water she burst into tears, We ran to the bathroom and just hugged and cried! She looked at me and said over and over "I feel peace, so much peace." That was probably the happiest moment of my life. 
               After the baptism the bishop came up to me and said "Sisters. You're my hero." It's the Lord bishop!! He said "I should've had more faith in you, I should've had more faith in Kayla. Thank you for loving her enough to believe in her." That was such a tender mercy. Kayla has taught me more about the atonement than anything. She is a great example of true repentance. It didn't come from the sorrow of "oh i got caught" It came from true Godly sorrow that motivated her to ACT- to change. Through her faith in Jesus Christ she has been able to bridge the gap between her nature and His, becoming all He would have her become.
            This reminded me of one of my favorite scripture stories in the Book of Mormon. Alma the youngers (alma 36). In his conversion story, the Lord led him to a situation in his life that "racked his soul to the remembrance of all his sins." He attempts to describe that burden saying,
 16 And now, for three days and for three nights was racked, even with the pains of damned soul. 
And it came to pass that as was thus racked with torment, while was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins
            To harrow means to bring the the surface- like a tractor turning up old dirt. Having his sins, weaknesses, and mistakes brought to the surface caused such sorrow, pain, and torment that he literally cried out in prayer saying in verse 18..
"Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitternessand am encircled about by the everlastingchains of death."
             I can recall lessons where Kayla had feelings and experiences very similar. Some lessons we taught harrowed up the sins of her past and helped her recognize the need for repentance! When she did, she felt as alma in verse 19:

19 And now, behold, when thought this, could remember my pains no moreyea, was harrowed up by the memory of mysins no more.
 20 And oh, what joyand what marvelous light did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
 21 Yea, say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again sayunto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.
She felt that release, She accessed the cleansing and healing power of the atonement and she was changed! THAT is the greatest miracle we can witness, the Lord literally changing a persons heart.
            I have felt that in my life. I cant describe the ways He has changed me! Especially on my mission because your faults and weaknesses are put under a magnifying glass out here! Silver platter more like it. They are literally harrowed to the surface everyday as you labor to do the Lords work. It pushes me to rely upon something that is so much greater than myself. My Savior, and as I remain humble, I can identify the natural man tendencies and clearly identify what is of my Savior and what is not. The Lord will lead us to the experiences and try our character because He has full confidence and faith we can detox the natural man as we turn to him in sincere and continual repentance. One of the greatest truths I've taken from my mission is that Repentence is the key that unlocks the chains of the natural man. It is as simple as that! Repent! haha the missionaries in the Book of Mormon did a great Job as cutting to the chase. I wish I could, like them, stand on a walll and yell "Repent ye Repent ye!" Because that truly is the only way to access the enabling. cleansing, and healing power of the atonement and be happy! It is on of the greatest gifts and tools from God to become like Him. 
We cant even begin to understand out potential but I am grateful for the knowledge my Savior has provided me with to know that ALL things are for my good. No matter how big the change may be, how long it might take, and how bad it might hurt, It will lead me to Him. I pray that we all can turn to him and let go of whatever stands in our way. That is the definition of Repentence, and It has literally set me free:) I love this gospel, I love my Father in Heaven, and my Savior lives. That means He is an active part in my life and I pray He can be in your as well!
Have a wonderful week I love you all sooo much!!:)
-Sister Scott
This is my Best Friend! 


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