Hello everyone!
What a week. We had interview with president and that was fun! Lots of trainings! I was going through my brain about the awesome perks of being a missionary and I wanted to share them with you! so this week we had stake conference and I love standing at the door at church or other meetings and welcome all the members in. Im a pro greeter. These people, especially in the outer boonie areas are total saints. They treat missionaries like princesses. ESPECIALLY SISTERS. The outer area haven't had sisters EVER so when they see us they come shake our hands and talk for hours. Some ask to take pictures with us..Its a dream. hahah another sweet sweet little boy we had dinner with was getting us cups and he reaches in the cupboard and goes "PERFECT!' handing me the pink sippie cup with sleeping beauty, ariel, and jasmine on it and says "Here is the princess cup..since thats basically what you are." hahaha i have ever felt so honored in my life.
Update on these people! Lori- not sure how much i have explained to you about her..these emails an d my journal moosh together. So this week she got to meet with president! SHE PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS except she cant be baptized until probably december due to parole. No matter. she is hitting her year mark of being out of prison and I cant even begin to describe to you how much change has come into her life in that short amount of time. Its like she served a mission or something. Ever since she was thrown out on the street the lord has put members in her path, Her parole officer? MORMON. her maintenance helper? MORMON. The person she shares her house with? MORMON. The arp class person. MORMON. The very first people she was involved with found her with clothes she found in a dumpster, a blanket, and an ensign magazine. Oh and they were MORMON. This women is amazing. Ever since she recieved her answer the church was true she has been sharing the gospel like no other. The missionaries in moscow have a new investigator because of her and we are still trying to contact the referrals she's given us, and when we invited her to invite someone to church with her she responded "Oh that's easy." we said "You need to talk to out members!!!" she said "it's just cause they aren't as excited as I am. I love this gospel." True conversion brings a desire to share. Its impossible to hold it back if you truly love the Gospel and you love your Father in Heaven.
other great conversations with investigators or less actives:
One investigator who has been smoking for 64 years and the doctors told him if he quits he will probably not make it. He reads the Book of Mormon every night, and watched general conference for fun. He is probably the dryest mormon I know so we're fasting for him to gain the strength to quit! "Dave will you quit smoking and be baptized?" his response "Yes, lets hurry it up!" hahaha THATS whats i'm talking about. True conversion! Keep him in your prayers:)
A goal I have set for myself this past week is to follow EVERY prompting of the spirit I receive. I find myself always quiestioning "Is that me, or is that the spirit" There is no such thing. EVERY good thought that is for the intend to uplift, to help, or to do good is from the Lord. Those who see miracles and are an effective instrument are those who act on every worthy thought they receive. The Lord reminded me about this yesterday as we were going home late past our curfew Im was flying down the hill to get home. In the Corner of my eye I see this women and first thought "Turn around and talk to her. We dont pass anyone." I fought with the spirit the whole way down the Hill and FINALLY AT THE BOTTOM (im and idiot) turn to my companion and say "We need to go back." We turn around and ended up hearing she has been walking all the way from clarkston and still has MILES to go. We called a member down the street to give her a ride home and she is now meeting with us! Her name is Bernie. She is a miracle. The spirit is so good. If we will take the time to heed what is says, we will NEVER be led astray. If we block it out or ignore it, the spirit withdraws and will wait until you come seeking.
46 And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.
47 And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father.
LIVE BY THE SPIRIT!:) "it will tell you all things what ye shall do"
I love you all! I'll see you soon!
-sister scott
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