Hey Family:)
Its been one crazy week. haha Probably the craziest week of my mission! Monday we had a big Labor day Picnic for our ward with a bike race...i didnt get to decorate shirly:(my bike) I was pretty upset. But theres always next year right? Tuesday we had MLC and I got to see all my missionary friends!! Wednesday we had Pday and ward correlation, Thursday weekly planned and planned for our trainings, Friday trained and Zone conference, and saturday we did a sister Blitz down in Orophino (the boonies) It was great. I got to drive:) It is SO beautiful down there. But what that is: all us sisters piled in the zone leaders van (I drove..im the best) and go to one elders area and all together we street contact and tract in diferent parts of their area. There was about 3 sets of sisters, and 4 sets of elders and in 1 hour we contacted 59 streets contacts and 19 lessons. It was such a cool thing so see the elders light up as we handed over all the contacts and new investigators we found them:) It was like Christmas but better.
Me and Sister Karisa Riddle were together and we knocked on this sweet old mans door who did NOT want to talk to us..so we did anyway. He said he was athiest and had absolutely no interest in hearing our message. We somehow got him to let us sing a song so of course I chose my favorite "Oh my Father". After that, the spirit was so strong and he let us leave him with a pamphlet on the Plan of Salvation and a prayer! I have seen music work miracles on my mission. It teaches me that the spirit is truly all that matters in this work.
My testimony has grown so much on the importance and appreciation of the scriptures! They provide such an amazing view of the plan God has. Sometimes I feel like a child that He is trying to convey His message to over and over again using parables, poems, and testimonies fo the Prophets and I STILL can't even begin to comprehend how beautiful it all really is. Thanks to my mom and dad, I have developed this passion for studying them. I'll never forget waking up around 5 or 6 am in the morning for school and coming upstairs finding my dad in his office just BURRIED in his Book of Mormon and Bible. I never unerstood it and NOW I DO. All I want to do is study and study. It has become "delicious to me"(alma 32). I have seen the way the Holy Ghost is able to make certain scriptures pop out to you and literally pierce your heart. It's amazing. No matter how many times I read, I learn something new. Another Huge factor I've seen is Patience, Humility, and Diligence. If you are open and willing to learn what HE would have you learn and keep at it, He will reveal little by little golden truths. It's different for everyone but I challenge each of you to start now! Dont let a day go by that you don't open up your scriptures. Have Faith the Lord will provide you with peace, even if thats just from the feelings you have WHILE you read. It's all from Him. "Seek and Ye shall find" and a REAL promise. I leave my Tesimony of that, and the power of Gods word! I have seen it everyday
Here is a few that I just LOVE lately!
Jeremiah 20:9 "
But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay."
Ether 12: 2 "
and began to prophesy unto the people, for he could not be restrained because of the Spirit of the Lord which was in him."
4 " Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith,maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."
I love you all!:) see yaaa soon!
-sister scott
MLC! |
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