Monday, December 9, 2013

6 months out!!

Hello everyone!

im 6 months a missionary? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? my mind is blown. I still have not accepted that i live in washington! We will be driving down the road and i'll see a sign saying spokane and i jump and say "Woh im going on my mission there!"...yep sister scott you are..RIGHT NOW. oh well it will sink in one day. This week has been wonderful as usual. Its most definitely getting colder. It was 7 degrees this week and i thought the cold was litereally eating my face. I wear 2 pairs of  fleese tights, sweats, 3 socks, boots, an undershirt, a normal shirt, a sweater, a jacket, then my winter coat. OH and a beanie(sorry dad). All i need is a pair of snowboard and im ready to hit the mountain! this has been a wonderful week.

 We had a big christmas party with our ward that we have been counting down the days until we could go and eat all of the wonderful food!(i know im horrible) But right before we felt we needed to go to our investigators home and see her. Kelly opened the door and walked away. we followed her into her house. she had been crying and there was stuff all over the floor. The day before she had gone to court to get full custody over her son tyler from her abusive husband. She says everything went horrible and the husband has taken 50% custody and he is anti mormon so he has refused to let them continue to take the discussions and tyler isnt allowed to see us anymore or his freinds at church. That very same day her father was in a roll over accident and had a heart attack and was in the hospital and she wasnt able to go see him cause she needs to stay in spokane with tyler. We did our very best to console her and tell her God would take care of them. Kelly responded by saying "God was not there for me yesterday. Why would He let this happen?" 

There is absolutely nothing worse to ever here as a missioanry becaue there is no direct answer you can give. We don't always know why bad things happen to good people but we must NEVER lose faith that God has a purpose. He see's the whole picture."my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways." The most important thing is that no matter how bad a situation can be. if we seeks God's will it always turn out for our good. My favorite scripture is d&c122:7
And if thou shouldst be cast into the apit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the bdeep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine tochedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of dhell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee eexperience, and shall be for thy good.

i felt so strongly that i needed to promise that when she went to go pick up tyler that her ex husband would soften his heart. she says "that would be an absolute miracle" and We bore our testimony on how "God is a God of miracles" and as we have faith and are diligent He will always deliver us. she told us if we saw her at the christmas party then she would believe again. We went home and fasted (all the christmas food by the way so this truly was a sacrifice) but I would have fasted days if thats what it took for kelly to continue to meet with us. We asked all the missionaries in our disctrict to pray. We waited and waited at the doors. I knew without a doubt that the Lord would provide. All the sudden tyler RUNS out of the car and kelly comes strait over to us and says"His heart was softened" and we all just cried. It was amazing. I KNOW the Lord will always provide as we hold fast to the faith we do have. He is our loving Heavenly Father and He has delivered me over and over again and will continue to do so as I put my trust in Him and submit to my father just as a child would. I love Him. I love being His missionary. and I will forever be greatful for this opportunity to bring others to His son.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! go forward in faith and face every trial with an eye single to His love!

love ya'll,
sister scott 

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