Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Transfers this week! Miracles in the making and other great things!

Hello everyone!!
transferst this week have brought no changes! for once!! Im going to finish up training sister johnson and continue the work in the belle terre ward!
  this week has been a week of miracles. So like you know we have been kinda struggling to find people to teach. SO i will list these miracles by name.
Errin: she is a former investigator that has some mental problems, lives in governmental housing and has really bad depression. We go by every now to check on her but she isnt ready to really investigate and learn. We will teach her a principle and she will blow it off. We have been trying to teach her prayer for the longest time and she just wont believe in it. Finally we got her to pray and she asked Heaveny Father to help her with her depression. We got a call the other day of her crying on the phone. she said "hey sisters you were right, God does answer my prayers!" She had been trying to get a kitten cause hers got electricuted(not even kidding haha) and she found a baby kitten outside of her door the morning after she said her prayer! she says this will help her with her depression and she wants to start meeting with us!
Austin and Mason: so we decided to go on a car fast and bike. My comp knows my rule of no passing anyone and we and racing down this huge hill and i had a feeling we needed to go back up the hill..my companion hated me but we ran into two boys age 17 that listened to the whole story of the book of mormon and both said they would be baptized if they read it and felt it was true! we have a church tour with them both on wednesday! doesnt matter he stopped me in the middle if the restoration to tell me i have beautiful eyes..i swore i wouldnt flirt to convert..BUT HEY what can ya do? hahah just kidding but they are two hick boys from the south that say "yes ma'm I would like to be baptized". How could you deny that!? (dont tell josh)hahahaha
Brother Green: He has been less active ever since he was baptized and the bishop has been trying to get a hold of him for 4 years. We knocked on his door and he said "I really am glad you two are here. I need to come back to the mormom church" he said that he had been to every church they have in spokane and he couldnt find anything compared to the happiness the mormon church has given him. He said that he loves the way we teach and he wants to re take all the missioanry lesson from us! miracle.
also we were about to cancel meeting with him and we needed a call from him if plans were to work out. I sais sister we need to pray. The moment we said amen the phone
Skylar Garvin: He is a 14 year old who went onto lds.org or refferend himself to the missionaries!!! crazy! he was on date to be baptized and randomly stopped everything. That was abotu 4 months ago and me and sister johnsot tracted into him yesterday! We were aboutu to go home and felt that we needed to stop at this blue house but we were trying to get home on time! I said a prayer and said ok if a red car drives by i will know for sure that wasa prompting. Sure enough a red subaru pulls around the corner so I flip my bike around and it ended up to be skylars house!
I could go on and on about all these amazing experiences we've been having but to sum everything up I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is behind this work and we truly are just instuments! He loves all of His children so much and wants them all to return back to him! The greatest happiness I have ever felt in my life is getting to be a small part in my Fathers work. Even when times "so that the world my know that I love the Father and as the Fatehr gave me a commandment even so i do, arise and let us go hence" john 14:31 I read that to myself everyday I go out. I love being a missionary so much!! I love all of you! Im thinking and praying about you everyday!
-sister scott

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